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Saturday, June 12, 2021

Vote in Round 1 of the Marvel Villains Showdown - Rotten Tomatoes

(Click to enlarge.)

It’s time for another RT showdown, and with Disney+’s new series Loki officially out — and getting fantastic reviews — we decided to dig into the cinematic history of Marvel Comics and determine who is the Ultimate Marvel Villain! For this bracket, we focused on theatrically released films (sorry, Agatha fans) based on Marvel comic books and included not only the movies of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but a pretty hefty chunk of everything else that came before, from Blade to Fantastic Four to the X-Men movies to every iteration of Spider-Man. There are so many films and so many baddies to choose from that we couldn’t include everyone, of course, but we tried to make sure most of the heavy hitters, fan favorites, and notable evildoers are represented. There are even a couple of curveballs (remember when Bucky Barnes was a bad guy?) just to keep things fun.

You know what to do: voting in Round 1 of the Marvel Villains Showdown will continue until polls close on Tuesday, June 15 at 10pm PT, so pick your favorites now and come back to see who makes it on to Round 2!

On an Apple device? Follow Rotten Tomatoes on Apple News.

The Link Lonk

June 12, 2021 at 12:34AM

Vote in Round 1 of the Marvel Villains Showdown - Rotten Tomatoes

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